Sunday, 3 January 2010

So what is celibacy?

The definitions appear all seem to agree that celibacy is the absence of sexual intercourse. When taking into account the kind of person I am, I have decided to extend this definition to kissing and any other activities that preclude or are a part of sexual intercourse. The argument that to be celibate is to just abstain from sex, does in my opinion mean cutting out an activity but often not cutting out the other activities and emotions that are part of it. This would seem pointless and a tad trivial.

Another part of the definition often included the reasons of vow of celibacy for religions reasons. As a C of E worshipper i can say that this is not a motivator or a factor of my decision but i do hope that this year may encourage some reflection on the subject and also its connection with religion and God.

My next posts: Why i want to do this and my relationship history

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